Monday, January 31, 2011


When I first conceived The Inflatable Mattress I was simply going along with an improvisational impulse.  I wasn't considering the broader implications of the piece, and how it connects with some of the goals I've identified regarding the evolution of my performance work.  I'm beginning to get a clue.  Firstly, I am interested in the notion of endurance through performance.  I suppose my exposure to The Artist Is Present helped to facilitate that, but I wanted to also involve a more intimate kind of audience participation in the mix.  It is clear that this experience will be a test of my mettle.  How do I shift with the needs of my hosts while maintaining a high level of interaction?  How do I handle not sleeping in my own bed for such a long period?  What will the interaction between myself and couples be like? A single person?  How do I interpret the notion of service while I am a guest in these homes?  I am not at all sure how this will turn out, but that is the thrill of working this way.  Tomorrow, I begin the adventure with Simone Leigh.

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