Monday, January 31, 2011

Tumblr account coming soon...


When I first conceived The Inflatable Mattress I was simply going along with an improvisational impulse.  I wasn't considering the broader implications of the piece, and how it connects with some of the goals I've identified regarding the evolution of my performance work.  I'm beginning to get a clue.  Firstly, I am interested in the notion of endurance through performance.  I suppose my exposure to The Artist Is Present helped to facilitate that, but I wanted to also involve a more intimate kind of audience participation in the mix.  It is clear that this experience will be a test of my mettle.  How do I shift with the needs of my hosts while maintaining a high level of interaction?  How do I handle not sleeping in my own bed for such a long period?  What will the interaction between myself and couples be like? A single person?  How do I interpret the notion of service while I am a guest in these homes?  I am not at all sure how this will turn out, but that is the thrill of working this way.  Tomorrow, I begin the adventure with Simone Leigh.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

10 Real-World Life Lessons That Were Learned in Grade School by Tim Handorf

As I prepare to be a perpetual guest, I am becoming more mindful of how I might be a positive addition to the living space of my hosts.  I was introduced to the following article by the author himself and it seemed like worthwhile reminder. Enjoy!

"Grade school was an impressionable time for everyone. It’s when we became immersed into a mini-society, learning valuable life lessons that have remained through adulthood. If you think about it, many comparisons can be made between life in grade school and life in the real world. For example, back then, we had to learn to coexist with our peers – for better or for worse. And for many, it has proven to be a never-ending learning process; though you’re hopefully better at it now than you were as an 8-year-old. Here are a few life lessons we learned during that fun yet trying time, when the world was fresh and we were a bit more resilient." MORE

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Inspiration for The Inflatable Mattress

Ed Casabian explains how he set out on a New York odyssey, living in 52 neighborhoods in 52 weeks.

Emily Post Says:

“The good guest is almost invisible, enjoying him or herself, communing with fellow guests, and, most of all, enjoying the generous hospitality of the hosts.”

TETON Sports Explorer 4000 Internal Frame Backpack

"Seven days is the length of a guest's life." - Burmese Proverb

The Inflatable Mattress is a series of interactive performances in which I will serve as a houseguest over the course of 13 weeks (February 1- May 3, 2011). Each visit will last 7 days (Tuesday- Monday). Hosts are free to assign chores (with the exception of laundering intimate apparel) and work may not exceed a total of 10 hours. Hosts should be available for a minimum of three shared meals. These meals may take place at the home, restaurant, dinner party, etc.

I will be traveling with an inflatable mattress as well as appropriate linens and towels. All of my gear will be contained in a backpack with an internal frame. Each visit is an improvisational interaction that will be documented in various forms on